๐Ÿ•น๏ธGame Components

Urban Grand Prix

Urban Grand Prix is the core feature of the game, โ€œRace to Earnโ€, where players gather to race against others in different game modes: PvE, PvP and Tournament.


Factory is the place where players can buy NFT boxes to open for NFT assets


Workshop is the place where players can manage their assets:

  • For cars: Manage, refuel, upgrade car with gears, and claim tokens (from raceโ€™s rewards or from cars sold on marketplace). Car needs fuel to participate in PvE and PvP game modes. Car can refuel once for each 24 hours with a small amount of fee.

  • For garages: Manage renting cars and claim tokens (from renting cars, refuel/upgrade fees or from garages sold in marketplace).

  • For racetracks: Claim tokens (from race/tournament fee or from racetracks sold in marketplace).

  • For districts: Manage renting blocks and claim tokens (from renting blocks or from districts sold in marketplace).


Capitol is where all players gather to vote on any feature upgrade and development plan. Players need to hold governance tokens to get voting rights and playerโ€™s voting power depends on the amount of tokens held.

Dream Market

Dream Market is the gameโ€™s marketplace where users can trade or rent NFT items. All NFT items (cars, gears, racetracks, garages, districts and boxes) can be traded with corresponding tokens while cars and district blocks can be rent.

Last updated